Research Lines

a) Criticism and Creative Processes in Several Languages
This line of research focuses on two aspects: Modern Textual Criticism and Genetic Criticism. Modern Textual Criticism deals with the establishment of modern or contemporary authors of published or unpublished texts, seeking to investigate what would have been the last will of the author. The Genetic Criticism, in turn, focuses on the process of text creation (modern or contemporary), attempting to demonstrate what would have been the path taken by authors in the construction of their works.
b) Documents of Cultural Memory
This line integrates research that explore intersections between literature, history and political culture, encompassing different aspects of studies of identity expressions in national and transnational perspectives, or from minority segments, as well as the organization and critical reading of documentary and literary collections.
c) Studies in Cultural and Intersemiotic Translation
After Roman Jakobson identified three possible types of translation (intralingual, interlingual and intersemiotic), studies in this area began to expand the borders beyond the usual practice of written translation from one language to another. From the 60's onwards, the interconnection in different art forms has been included within the studies in translation from different sign systems (intersemiotic translation), covering, for example, literary text translations into film, theater, and comics, among other possibilities. The translation process occurs within discursive perspectives, including interpretation games, appropriation, and the displacement of the idea of ​​origin Translation is conceived as the rewriting of a text that is not identical to the one that originated it, since the rewritten text contains the marks of the translator. This fact generates the recognition that translators are not a tabula rasa and that they somehow leave their marks in the translated text. Thus, this line of research includes the analysis of intersemiotic and/or interlingual translations of literary texts, taking as a central vantage point issues related to culture.
d) Studies of Theories and Literary and Cultural Representations
This line of research undertakes a reflection on theoretical assumptions from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and analyzes poetry and fictional representations of both centuries. The contexts in which these representations operate are taken into account, as well as the interconnections of the diversity of artistic and cultural icons and the image games that circulate in the various representations of a culture, including those operated by literature.